Best Bully Sticks

Chew toys in the kennel

Are you looking for a way to keep your dog occupied during your travels? Chewing is a good way to keep them occupied. While some dogs are content to chew on a bone or a toy with cheese or peanut butter, we like bully sticks.

Bully sticks for dogs have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is partly due to the fact that they are a healthy and all-natural alternative to traditional dog treats. These high quality dog chews are made from the muscles of cows and buffalo, so they are high in protein and low in fat. They also help clean teeth and gums, and are a great way to keep dogs occupied.

Chewing a Braided Bully Stick

Woodford is a chewer, at least he was as a puppy. Rather than chew on things he shouldn’t, we gave him plenty of puppy-approved options, and except for an unfortunate futon incident, he’s never destroyed anything else. When he came home from the breeder with a bully stick (they are called bully sticks because they are made of bull penises), since then we keep a lot of them around in his crate and in the car. It’s not his favorite chew toy, but it’s a common go-to chewing treat.

Rawhide Treats

Rawhide is a popular dog treat, but it can be dangerous for dogs. These popular ade from the hides of cows and horses. It is often treated with chemicals to make it more palatable to dogs. While rawhide is high in protein, it can also be high in fat and cholesterol. It can also cause digestive problems in dogs and has been linked to intestinal blockages.

Bulldog with a Rawhide Chew Treat
Bulldog chewing on a rawhide treat which can cause intestinal blockages.

Sizes and Types

Just like dogs, bully sticks come in many sizes and types that match the dogs. You can get bully sticks in smaller and thinner sizes for smaller breeds and puppies. They also have larger dog chews for large dogs and adult dogs, and jumbo bully sticks for the biggest dog breeds.

Some dogs are more sensitive to texture than others. You can get braided bully sticks, which are multiple sticks braided together to form a thicker


There are many reasons why bully sticks are a better choice for dogs than traditional dog treats.

  • Protein-rich
  • Grain-free
  • Promotes good dental health, because they effectively remove plaque and tartar build up from teeth
  • This product contains taurine (an amino acid that contributes to the health of the heart and eyes)
  • Unlike rawhide or manufactured bones, bully sticks lasts longer
  • Enhances mental stimulation and reduces anxiety
  • Good for picky eaters


While bully sticks are a favorite treat for Woodford but if you aren’t careful they can cause problems.

  • If the bully sticks aren’t drained and properly dried, they can give off a moderate odor once they get wet from your dog’s mouth.
  • Some dogs with sensitive stomachs can have an adverse reaction. If Woodford chews on the sticks too often, he seems to have less firm stools💩🤢.
  • Choking Hazard – While not a huge risk, you should do what you can to ensure your bully sticks When the dog chews gets to a size that can be swallowed, I typically take them away.
  • Expensive – Given the fact that these treats are made from cuts of meat that would normally be thrown away I am shocked at how expensive they can be.

The Best Bully Sticks

As Woodford’s gotten bigger, we have given him Jack and Pup 12-inch Premium Grade Odor Free Bully Sticks Dog Treats (affiliate link). These seem to last longer then geand don’t stink. Neither of these seems to have any noticeable odor even after days of chewing. We typically take them away from him as they get chewed down to a small nub, so he doesn’t swallow them whole or choke, but so far that hasn’t been a problem. Though Jack and Pup aren’t the only brand we have tried or feed him today.

As of today, his favorite are from Best Bully Sticks. And he’s currently into the 12″ Chicken Wrapped Collagen Sticks. They seem to last a long time, and Woodford’s favorite food is chicken, so that works well for him. They don’t have artificial chemical and our dog loves them as much as bully sticks.

Also, collagen sticks are not made from bull’s penis, but beef muscle and connective tissue. They don’t stand up to heavy chewers or aggressive chewers, but provide a good grass fed alternative to provide variety in his diet.

Good Dog Bully Sticks

While we don’t have a favorite bully stick brand perse, we buy the sticks from Best Bully Sticks (affiliate link) more than others. They are tasty treats that most dogs love, and if you are careful about the brand, will be odor free. Also, like many human foods, look for brands that don’t have artificial preservatives and are made from grass fed cattle and free range beef. Regardless of the brand, size or type of nutritious chews we highly recommend these single ingredient chews as part of your vanlife travel gear for dogs.

Dog Destroys Futon
Give your dog a bully stick, so you don’t have a “Futon Incident”